Monday, May 24, 2010

egg drop project

We had to do a egg drop project in science class where we build a device that is supposed to protect or keep the egg from busting either from a twelve foot drop or a thirty foot drop. We also got work in groups and my group was Chris and Nathan. We worked out a design for this device that i thought wasn't going to work. Them came the first drop day and sure enough i was proven wrong. But, then came the second drop day and i wasn't proven wrong by that it feel and splatted on the ground like a well egg falling from your hand onto the ground.

Monday, May 17, 2010

what i learned on the houston

the houston trip was fun but it could have been better. the funnest thing i did on the trip was disect a squid.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Research paper

We had to pick a subject to write a research project on. I chose the navy seals. Alot of people ask me why i chose that particular subject. My answer is simple there are two reasons i chose that subject. One, because my brother Jacob is leaving on August 15 for six months training. Two, because my cousin is about to retire after 15 years of working in the navy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm looking foward to the fact that we can get away from celeste texas for awhile. I mean we got to go away eventually so we could at least go somewhere where we can learn something literally. NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

Friday, March 12, 2010


I think the Hollucaust was a very sad period in time. I feel bad for the people that were in it and survived to know that that happened and to see it happen. I also feel sorry for the kids and parents families for there family beng killed in the Hollucaust.

Friday, January 29, 2010

the iditarod

I think the Iditarod race is ok. I mean the race across alaska is cool but the fact that you have to do it on a sled is not. How could anyone sit in the cold for mile after mile and hour after hour. But, i think anyone could do it for fun or just for the money. I think Jeff King justr does it for the money and for teh bragging rights. Lance Mackey is my favorite out of all ninty-six mushers. He is a surviver of throat cancer and has won three years in a row.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

envoromental change

My change is the earthquake or tremor. There are many common names for the earthquake such as tremor, quake, or temblor. The earthquake is triggered by a sudden release of energy in the ground that creates seismic waves. which then cause the ground to shift. The most common area that is affected by earthquakes is California, but just recently haiti was hit by two tremors. The main species that is affected by the quakes are human beings. I feel that earthquakes can cause life and wildlife can go exstinct.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Picture upload practice

If i could go to hawaii i would swim, fish, jet ski, dive, boating, boogi boarding. in would eat anything i haven't tried.

project english

The project i'm doing in english is ok i guess. I don't really like english that much so i don't what i like and don't like. The only thing i like in english. Is the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


hello people i dont know and do know. My Name is Caleb!!!!